There is nothing I've wanted more since marrying the man of my dreams than to become a Mommy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
I've decided to go in for an acupuncture consult to aide along with our next FET. The clinic that I go to has an acupuncturist team that works with your cycle to help in this process. I missed the call from the office today but plan on getting back with them tomorrow regarding setting up a consult. I'm hoping that it isn't to expensive. I'd really like to try it this time around, I figure it could not hurt so why not. I've never undergone this type of therapy before so I really don't know what to expect (except needles poking me). Hopefully I will be able to get in for a consult soon!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Time to Study....HARD!
So nothing new in the "pre-pregnancy" world, just awaiting our WTF appt at the end of this month. This post comes as a stress reliever over my first A&P class. This class is HARD!! Lots of info, short semester (11wks) and professor is very detailed. I understand why, I mean we (my fellow classmates and I) are all aiming for a career in medicine (most registered nursing as am I), and we really need to KNOW this information. I suppose this class came to me as a shock because I assumed after having 10 years in the medical field I would know more than I'm finding I actually do after starting this class. lol. It's just going to take more studying on my part and less procrastination (which is my middle name). Might I add that I could've taken a much easier professor but I opted not to because I really want to learn this material. I'm going to be a Registered Nurse and peoples lives will partially be in my hands at cutting corners this is the real deal. I wouldn't want someone that barely made it through nursing classes working on me or my family.....would you? Okay, vent over, point made....time to suck it up and STUDY!!!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Catching Up
I've always known I wanted to have children. I never though in my wildest dreams would have thought it would be THIS HARD! Growing up you never really worry about being infertile....that doesn't happen to "normal" women. Huh...boy was I wrong! To get you up to speed with my journey, I will go over the main issues now and plan on adding a detailed list later.I was diagnosed with PCOS four years ago (age 28). I was devastated at first thinking there would be no way I would be able to get pregnant. My boyfriend at the time (now hubby) had been through a divorce and during the marriage had underwent a vasectomy. They had two children together and were not planning on any others. Fast forward three years and my soon to be hubby goes in for a vasectomy reversal. We were told after the semen check post surgery that his sperm motility, morphology, and count were great and we should have no problems getting pregnant. After my PCOS diagnosis from my Endocrinologist, I was put on Metformin and saw him for check ups and blood-work to monitor my hormones and insure the Metformin was doing it's job. After about a year of meds, my hormone levels became "normal" and we decided to try and start trying for a baby. Six months went by and nothing happened. Six months of me tracking my temp, checking my cervical mucous, and peeing on OPK's! So frustrating! I wasn't ovulating!! At this point I went in to my OB/GYN and filled him in on what was going on. He suggested I take Clomid and see if I will ovulate that way. He also sent my soon to be hubby in for another type of semen analysis that the Urologist had not done post-reversal. This test would show whether or not he had developed Anti-Sperm Antibodies....either from the reversal or the initial procedure. Apparently this is EXTREMELY common in any type of trauma to "that area." The problem with the antibodies is that they do not allow the sperm to penetrate the egg. Eeekkk. Twenty four hours later the nurse called me to say....the results of the analysis were positive..the antibodies are there...97%. Oh no! So off to the RE we went! After our first consult we were told IVF/ICSI was our only hope in having our own biological children. So with tons of info and eagerness to start, we took a bit of a break and.....GOT MARRIED (5/19/12)! Our wedding was "fairy-tale" it was absolutely GORGEOUS!! I think about it just about every day!
So after 1 cancelled cycle with our initial RE we decided to switch to another more well known group in town. Everyone at our "new clinic" is great and I really like the RE. The very next month we began another cycle in hopes of not being cancelled again. This time everything went great....after nine days of STIMS they retrieved 53 eggs! Crazy! I developed moderate OHSS and therefore we did a freeze all which postponed the transfer until after the OHSS settled down. I ended up with 10 embies...all are 5 and 6 day Grade A and B Expanded Blastocysts. Luckily my OHSS did not get worse and I was able to avoid being hospitalized. Once I was all better I was prepped for my first transfer...FET#1. We decided to do a single transfer to avoid the possibility of a high risk twin pregnancy. About 10 days later I found out the transfer had not worked, we were not pregnant. Sigh. We jumped right back in and this time decided on transferring two. One of the embryos at least began to implant because our beta came back positive.....but was a low 9.9. My RE said it should be about 50! So, we went in 48 hours later for another test hoping this was just late implanting and the number had dropped to 0....we were no longer pregnant. Sigh...take 2!
So now what?? We are scheduled with the RE at the end of this month to go over other options/or testing that may be done in hopes of finding out why they are not staying put! Until then we wait.....
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