Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tests,Tests & More Tests!

So it's been awhile since I last posted.  Things have been a bit hectic around as usual, and I had been feeling a bit down at times so wasn't in the mood to post.  Well we had our WTF appt and my RE suggests that we go through a TON of lab work before our next transfer. Here is the new plan:

For DH: Karyotype Chromosome Testing

For Me: Karyotype Chromosome Testing, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Factor II DNA Testing, Protein S & Protein C Functional, Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgM, IgA & IgG, Anticardiolipin IgA, IgM & IgG, Lupus Anticoagulant, Antithrombin III, Prolactin, TSH & T4 Free

Plus I am scheduled for a Hysteroscopy to look at the cervix and uterus on Tuesday 4/23/13.  This test I will have anesthesia for and will be completely asleep. Thank goodness!

I've been warned by other ladies on the message boards that they will probably take 20 vials of blood or so....crazy!  The blood work is all basically to screen for autoimmune blood clotting disorders that I may have that would interfere with the implantation of an embryo and/or carrying a baby to term.  Per my RE everything they are testing for is "fixable" during pregnancy with different meds and such.  Everything that is EXCEPT the Karyotype Testing.  If that were to come back abnormal for either of us then the embryos that we have on ice would all be abnormal and wouldn't be able to be transferred. :-(  So we would have to start over with a new fresh IVF cycle.  Sigh.  I'm staying optimistic that this will not be the case and our chromosome testing will all be normal.  Fingers crossed!

Acupuncture.....I have been to two sessions and am loving it!  Steve, my Acupuncturist is great and has great advice.  I'm trying to eat better and have started exercising a bit.  Not overdoing anything, just trying to get as healthy as possible for the next transfer.  I have yet to order the Circle + Bloom FET program but I plan to ASAP since I started my OCP's Thursday night.

Aside from IF, life is going good.  I'm doing better in my A&P class and have an 89 average which I hope to get up to an A before the semester ends.  DH and the step kids are good.  DH is trying to exercise more also, but its a bit harder for him to get motivated than it is for me.  My stepdaughter will be 9 next week and her Mom is throwing her an Ice Skating Party for her and a few of her friends, so I'm sure she will enjoy that.

No more news for now....will try to do better at posting and plan to update again after my Hysteroscopy on Tuesday.

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