Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catching Up

It has been such a long time since I last posted and I feel horrible about it.  I thought this would be easy for me to keep track of but it has been the complete opposite for me.  I have not done a chalkboard update or picture since the last one at 9 weeks....I'm a little over 18wks now!  Wow,...I can't believe I'm already here. I'm going to try so very hard to make time for this at least once a week, even if no picture is taken.  

So what's new??
1.) I've made it to the 2nd Trimester which I thought would NEVER get here!  
2.) I'm actually showing a bump now instead of just feeling pudgy.. ;-)
3.) We had an elective US at 15wks and found out we're having a GIRL!!!!
4.) Going in for my Anatomy US on Monday the 23rd...can't wait to see our little girl again!
5.) Nausea has left the building and all I ever want to do is EAT!
6.) Fatigue is pretty much gone accept when I have a very busy day.  On those busy days I usually fall victim to a nap but it's much different than the fatigue I felt during the first few months.
7.) My moods are much more up and down now then they were.....one minute I'm upset and the next I'm feeling great.  I cry at everything.....commercials, movies, and happy things too!  LOL..it's funny.
8.) I'm starting to feel our little one move around.  I have for a couple of weeks now.  She seems to move most often when I'm hungry, first thing in the am, and usually between 10pm-1am or so when I'm laying in bed.  I love it!!  Oh and when I'm around loud noises.  The movement varies though...sometimes I don't feel her all day and I freak out.  It's scary but I know it's normal, I just tell myself she's sleeping.  
9.) My BFF and I decided on a date for the shower which will be in November!  That's right around the corner.
10) I've decided on a nursery theme..pink, grey and white with little baby elephants as accents. All of the nursery furniture will be white, and walls will be grey.  I have tons of ideas on my pinterest page (I love that program) so things should fall into place once I get started.
11.) Crib and Dresser/Changing Table Combo has been chosen, just waiting until confirmation US of gender on Monday before ordering.  
12.) The nursery does not have a closet so we will also be purchasing a wardrobe closet which is similar to an armoire but allows more space for hanging clothes.  
13.) BABYMOON in Houston, TX scheduled for next month!!  We really wanted to entertain the idea of a little Vaca before baby arrives but I wasn't up for flying right now so we decided to stay fairly close to home.  We will be at a nice B&B there and plan on going to the huge mall there and some museums.  BONUS-I've only driven through Houston and love visiting new places!  We are both looking forward to the getaway.

Phew....that's enough for now.
I have chalkboard ready to go, just need hubby to take my pic.  Will get that done along with the milestones that go with it later this week.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 19, 2013

9 Week Chalkboard Update & Bump Pic

How Far Along: 9w0d

Total Weight Gain: None yet...I've lost 2 lbs but feel like I've gained inches

Maternity Clothes: Not Yet!

Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Much better than a few weeks ago!

Sex of Baby: Don't know yet but I'm thinking BOY!

Belly Button In/Out: IN!

Cravings/Aversions: Soft Serve Ice Cream, Refried Beans....LOL

Symptoms: Sore Boobs, Moodiness, Fatigue, Acne, Increased Urination, Pelvic Tenderness, Nausea, Bloating

Best Moment this Week: Hearing our little ones heartbeat again and graduating from my RE!!  Yay, now I can be like normal pregnant women and see an OB/GYN! LOL

How I’m Feeling: Thankful, Happy and Excited!

What I Miss: Having More Energy and SEX!

Baby's Milestones This Week (according to babycenter.com): Baby is nearly an inch long--about the size of a grape and weighs just a fraction of an ounce.  She's starting to look more and more human.  Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months.  Other changes abound: Baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form--as do her tiny teeth.  The embryonic "tail" is completely gone.  Your baby's organ's, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear.  The external sex organs are there but won;t be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks.  Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27weeks.  She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct.  The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones.  Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

First U/S

So.....we had our first ultrasound yesterday and it was incredible!!!! We were able to see baby and measurements are right on track. Yesterday I was 6w4d and my EDD is 2/21/14!!! My birthday is 2/11 and I've always loved it because its so close to Valentines Day.....now we will have another special day to celebrate!! We were also able to hear the heartbeat which I totally wasn't expecting to hear so soon. It was 117 which my doc said was perfect! DH was there with me and videoed the ultrasound while we watched. So we have that and a couple of pics they printed out for us.  I will go back for another ultrasound on the 16th and then will be seeing my regular OB on the 29th!! By then I will be 10wks and almost out of the first trimester!!!! Woohoo!! We have so much to do to prepare for baby.......so much. I'm not going to worry about it though and instead just enjoy being pregnant and everything that comes with it!! Oh, and I also plan on doing the chalkboard countdown thingy....will start that a little over 7wks.  Can't wait.....I already have my board and whole bunch of chalk!!! LOL!!!! Below is a pic for our little man (I'm convinced its a boy).

Symptom update:
-Still bloated but not as bad
-Slight cramping (worse when I don't drink enough H2O)
-FATIGUE......I'm Always tired
-Moodiness......enough said there
-Increased urination
-Night Sweats
-One minute no appetite and the next I'm STARVING!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beta #2 is In!!!

Beta#2 came in today at a whooping 3,019!! P4 was 57.8! We go in for our first US on Tuesday 7/2/13 at 9am!! I can't wait to go, but at the same time I'm very nervous. Just thinking of all the things that could go wrong is so scary. Ugh. Trying to keep my mind on other things though and just be happy that I'm preggo....even though for the last several nights I have been extremely bloated. Yuck! Orwell...it's a small price to pay for bringing a life into the world!! Will keep updating until the US on my symptoms.

T-12 days!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Symptoms Update

Just a quick update on symptoms and such....

-Still having pelvic cramping but it has lessened up a bit
-Sore/swollen boobs
-Increased sense of smell
-Mid back pain...right along my spine (kinda like a burning sensation) sometimes
-Hot flashes
-Increased urination
-BLOATED....I feel like I could POP!
-Nausea off and on throughout the day

Going in for Beta#2 tomorrow am!!  Hoping for a nice strong number!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Beta #1!!!

I have continued to take HPT's up until today's beta and they have all been positive!  I have been doing one in the am and one in the pm....getting darker and so on.  Therefore,  I knew today's beta was going to be positive but had no idea what number we would get.....we were hoping for anything over 100 (well I was anyway). ;-) .  I was shocked to get the call from the nurse reporting our beta came in at a CRAZY HIGH 599!!  I was shocked....599, what...really??!!  Wow!  Last positive that ended in c/p was 9.9 so this was a HUGE shock to me and DH. Progesterone came in at 40...which is great...my RE wants it at least at 25 on beta#1 so I'm good there too!  Plan is to continue the 2cc's of PIO, Estrace, Baby ASA, and prenatals and go back in on Thursday (20th) for beta#2 and repeat Progesterone!  If everything is good we will probably be scheduled for first US in the next couple of weeks!!  I'm really happy but still trying to be cautious because it is still so early and so many things could happen.  Trying to continue to remain positive and hope and pray for the best and that in 9 months I will finally be holding a baby...or two in my arms!!!  Wow...crazy!!  So here is a pic of my POAS addiction...lol.  No more, I promise...well posted anyway!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

POAS 7dp5dt

Today I am 7dp5dt, and feeling great!  I caved and decided to POAS this afternoon around 4pm.  I figured it is possible that it is still too early to show and so if it were negative not to lose hope.  I used one of my 20 or so Wondfo's that I bought in bulk a few months back and have been dying to use! LOL. Ok, so the results are.......



That's right...it's POSITIVE!!  Blow it up if you need to but that second line is THERE!! Words can not express how happy I felt seeing those two lines today....this was the first time ever seeing that.  It's so surreal, I still can't believe it!  So I plan on re-testing every am until my beta which is Monday (16th)am.  I've already told DH...there is no possible way I could keep it from him.  It is killing me to not be able to say anything to my Mom....just don't want to jinx it all by announcing too soon.  There is still such a long road ahead of us,....making it to and having strong betas, seeing a strong heartbeat on US, and making it through the 1st Trimester.  Just going to take every day as it comes and enjoy no longer being PUPO and officially being PREGGO for now!!
Symptoms I'm still having which still may be due to the PIO includes:
-Sore Boobs
-Slight twingy/cramping
-Restless Nights
-Increased Urination
-Increased Hunger
-Slight Shortness of Breath at times

Just the usual stuff.....lol!!
So say a prayer or two for us, as I will continue to talk to my little one(s) and encourage them to keep growing!!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Low Progesterone

Today I am 5dp5dt, and no I have not tested!  I did go in today for my Progesterone level check which came out a little low.  My RE likes to have the level at 20 or above on beta day (next Monday) and mine today was 14.3.  So, I'm the lucky girl that gets to increase her PIO from 1cc to 2cc's.  Yay! :-/.  Anyway, this happened to me after my first transfer which ended in a BFN, and did not on my last one which ended in a c/p.  I've been reading as much as I can online about it and nothing I've found suggests this will lower my chances of a BFP. Keeping positive!
As far as my symptoms goes....sore boobs, increased appetite, increased body temp, fatigue, AF like cramping/pulling.  I know all of these symptoms kinda go hand in hand with PIO and pregnancy and just about everyone gets them during this point in the game but it sure is frustrating.
I do however think this time feels a bit different than the rest.....or maybe I'm looking for it to be?.

Hope this is it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm PUPO!!!

Yesterday, June 5, 2013 at 12pm we transferred 2 expanded, hatching Blasts!!! This is our first time using AH and we are hoping this technique helps out. We also had a more experienced RE with the group to perform the transfer. The transfer itself was pretty uncomfortable.....it is each time for me. Apparently my cervix is just a little tricky so it takes them a bit to get in the right spot. They also use a much bigger speculum....yuck!  Before my RE inserted the embryos he injected a small amount of HCG  into the uterus that s said to help with implantation. Unfortunately between the HCG and the embryos there is a 7min wait. So...there I was in the stirrups with this HUGE speculum and full bladder just.....waiting. The 7mins couldn't go fast enough but I made it through!  After laying flat for 30mins after the procedure my DH drove me over to my Acupuncture clinic for a session. They had a room ready for me which was nice.
DH was off yesterday and today so he's been able to help take care of me, the dogs, and step-kids. Thanks babe!!
Still laying low today and will just take it easy over the weekend.  Beta is scheduled for 6/17th (the day after Fathers Day)! Fingers crossed!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Almost PUPO Time!

I'm almost PUPO!!  Transfer day is just around the corner and I (We) couldn't be more excited!  I have been taking my Estrace/Lupron/Pre-Natalas & Aspirin religiously.  Acupuncture is also going well with next scheduled session the night before transfer.  I will do pre and post sessions and also one during the waiting period between transfer and beta to help keep me from POAS.  Oh and the Circle + Bloom Meditation sessions have also really helped a bunch.  I have noticed my sleep patterns are much more regular than before, and I would recommend them to anyone for relaxation.
So my last US appt to check on lining was Wednesday with results of a very thick 10mm!  Last time at this stage my lining was 7-8mm so I'm hoping this is a good thing!  I'm still on Estrace and will continue to do so until told otherwise so my lining should continue to thicken as the days lead up to transfer! :-)
Transfer day is June 5, 2013 (Wednesday)!!!
We are both HOPING and PRAYING that this transfer will bring us our take home baby!  This will be my third one :-(.  So wish us luck and keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Getting Closer!!

I'm happy to say ALL of our lab work came back normal!!! Yay!!  This time around we plan on transferring two blasts, adding Assisted Hatching, and adding HCG at the time of transfer.  I also had endometrial scraping/biopsy during a Hysteroscopy which all turned out fine.  I've been going to acupuncture every other week (have done 4 sessions already) and have another four scheduled.  My next one is next Tuesday, will do one the night before transfer, immediately following transfer, and one during the 2WW.  I find that acupuncture has really helped to calm my anxiety in general.  I enjoy my sessions and look forward to going each time.  Too bad it has to be so darn expensive (240 for 4 sessions).  Oh and we also added a baby Aspirin to my protocol that I take once a day.  My baseline US and lab work was this past Thursday.  Labs were all normal and my lining was at 3 mm, which is PERFECT!!  I've lowered my Lupron dose from 10 to5 units and have added Estrogen twice a day.  GROW LINING GROW!!!  My next US and lab check is on the 27th and transfer will be the following week on 6/5!!!  I'm so excited and hoping and praying that this time it will work!!!!!

Oh and I have also added Circle + Bloom Relaxation Meditation for a Frozen Embryo Transfer!

Say a prayer for us please.....

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tests,Tests & More Tests!

So it's been awhile since I last posted.  Things have been a bit hectic around as usual, and I had been feeling a bit down at times so wasn't in the mood to post.  Well we had our WTF appt and my RE suggests that we go through a TON of lab work before our next transfer. Here is the new plan:

For DH: Karyotype Chromosome Testing

For Me: Karyotype Chromosome Testing, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Factor II DNA Testing, Protein S & Protein C Functional, Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgM, IgA & IgG, Anticardiolipin IgA, IgM & IgG, Lupus Anticoagulant, Antithrombin III, Prolactin, TSH & T4 Free

Plus I am scheduled for a Hysteroscopy to look at the cervix and uterus on Tuesday 4/23/13.  This test I will have anesthesia for and will be completely asleep. Thank goodness!

I've been warned by other ladies on the message boards that they will probably take 20 vials of blood or so....crazy!  The blood work is all basically to screen for autoimmune blood clotting disorders that I may have that would interfere with the implantation of an embryo and/or carrying a baby to term.  Per my RE everything they are testing for is "fixable" during pregnancy with different meds and such.  Everything that is EXCEPT the Karyotype Testing.  If that were to come back abnormal for either of us then the embryos that we have on ice would all be abnormal and wouldn't be able to be transferred. :-(  So we would have to start over with a new fresh IVF cycle.  Sigh.  I'm staying optimistic that this will not be the case and our chromosome testing will all be normal.  Fingers crossed!

Acupuncture.....I have been to two sessions and am loving it!  Steve, my Acupuncturist is great and has great advice.  I'm trying to eat better and have started exercising a bit.  Not overdoing anything, just trying to get as healthy as possible for the next transfer.  I have yet to order the Circle + Bloom FET program but I plan to ASAP since I started my OCP's Thursday night.

Aside from IF, life is going good.  I'm doing better in my A&P class and have an 89 average which I hope to get up to an A before the semester ends.  DH and the step kids are good.  DH is trying to exercise more also, but its a bit harder for him to get motivated than it is for me.  My stepdaughter will be 9 next week and her Mom is throwing her an Ice Skating Party for her and a few of her friends, so I'm sure she will enjoy that.

No more news for now....will try to do better at posting and plan to update again after my Hysteroscopy on Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I've decided to go in for an acupuncture consult to aide along with our next FET.  The clinic that I go to has an acupuncturist team that works with your cycle to help in this process. I missed the call from the office today but plan on getting back with them tomorrow regarding setting up a consult.  I'm hoping that it isn't to expensive.  I'd really like to try it this time around, I figure it could not hurt so why not.  I've never undergone this type of therapy before so I really don't know what to expect (except needles poking me).  Hopefully I will be able to get in for a consult soon! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Time to Study....HARD!

So nothing new in the "pre-pregnancy" world, just awaiting our WTF appt at the end of this month.  This post comes as a stress reliever over my first A&P class.  This class is HARD!! Lots of info, short semester (11wks) and professor is very detailed.  I understand why, I mean we (my fellow classmates and I) are all aiming for a career in medicine (most registered nursing as am I), and we really need to KNOW this information.  I suppose this class came to me as a shock because I assumed after having 10 years in the medical field I would know more than I'm finding I actually do after starting this class. lol.  It's just going to take more studying on my part and less procrastination (which is my middle name). Might I add that I could've taken a much easier professor but I opted not to because I really want to learn this material.  I'm going to be a Registered Nurse and peoples lives will partially be in my hands at times.....no cutting corners this is the real deal.  I wouldn't want someone that barely made it through nursing classes working on me or my family.....would you?  Okay, vent over, point made....time to suck it up and STUDY!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Catching Up

I've always known I wanted to have children.  I never though in my wildest dreams would have thought it would be THIS HARD!  Growing up you never really worry about being infertile....that doesn't happen to "normal" women.  Huh...boy was I wrong!  To get you up to speed with my journey, I will go over the main issues now and plan on adding a detailed list later.I was diagnosed with PCOS four years ago (age 28).  I was devastated at first thinking there would be no way I would be able to get pregnant.  My boyfriend at the time (now hubby) had been through a divorce and during the marriage had underwent a vasectomy.  They had two children together and were not planning on any others.  Fast forward three years and my soon to be hubby goes in for a vasectomy reversal.  We were told after the semen check post surgery that his sperm motility, morphology, and count were great and we should have no problems getting pregnant.  After my PCOS diagnosis from my Endocrinologist, I was put on Metformin and saw him for check ups and blood-work to monitor my hormones and insure the Metformin was doing it's job.  After about a year of meds, my hormone levels became "normal" and we decided to try and start trying for a baby.  Six months went by and nothing happened.  Six months of me tracking my temp, checking my cervical mucous, and peeing on OPK's!  So frustrating!  I wasn't ovulating!!  At this point I went in to my OB/GYN and filled him in on what was going on.  He suggested I take Clomid and see if I will ovulate that way.  He also sent my soon to be hubby in for another type of semen analysis that the Urologist had not done post-reversal.  This test would show whether or not he had developed Anti-Sperm Antibodies....either from the reversal or the initial procedure.  Apparently this is EXTREMELY common in any type of trauma to "that area."  The problem with the antibodies is that they do not allow the sperm to penetrate the egg.  Eeekkk.  Twenty four hours later the nurse called me to say....the results of the analysis were positive..the antibodies are there...97%.  Oh  no! So off to the RE we went!  After our first consult we were told IVF/ICSI was our only hope in having our own biological children.  So with tons of info and eagerness to start, we took a bit of a break and.....GOT MARRIED (5/19/12)!  Our wedding was "fairy-tale" it was absolutely GORGEOUS!!  I think about it just about every day!  
So after 1 cancelled cycle with our initial RE we decided to switch to another more well known group in town.  Everyone at our "new clinic" is great and I really like the RE.  The very next month we began another cycle in hopes of not being cancelled again.  This time everything went great....after nine days of STIMS they retrieved 53 eggs!  Crazy!  I developed moderate OHSS and therefore we did a freeze all which postponed the transfer until after the OHSS settled down.  I ended up with 10 embies...all are 5 and 6 day Grade A and B Expanded Blastocysts.  Luckily my OHSS did not get worse and I was able to avoid being hospitalized.  Once I was all better I was prepped for my first transfer...FET#1.  We decided to do a single transfer to avoid the possibility of a high risk twin pregnancy.  About 10 days later I found out the transfer had not worked, we were not pregnant.  Sigh.  We jumped right back in and this time decided on transferring two.  One of the embryos at least began to implant because our beta came back positive.....but was a low 9.9.  My RE said it should be about 50!  So, we went in 48 hours later for another test hoping this was just late implanting  and the number had dropped to 0....we were no longer pregnant.  Sigh...take 2!
So now what??  We are scheduled with the RE at the end of this month to go over other options/or testing that may be done in hopes of finding out why they are not staying put!  Until then we wait.....