Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beta #2 is In!!!

Beta#2 came in today at a whooping 3,019!! P4 was 57.8! We go in for our first US on Tuesday 7/2/13 at 9am!! I can't wait to go, but at the same time I'm very nervous. Just thinking of all the things that could go wrong is so scary. Ugh. Trying to keep my mind on other things though and just be happy that I'm preggo....even though for the last several nights I have been extremely bloated. Yuck!'s a small price to pay for bringing a life into the world!! Will keep updating until the US on my symptoms.

T-12 days!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Symptoms Update

Just a quick update on symptoms and such....

-Still having pelvic cramping but it has lessened up a bit
-Sore/swollen boobs
-Increased sense of smell
-Mid back pain...right along my spine (kinda like a burning sensation) sometimes
-Hot flashes
-Increased urination
-BLOATED....I feel like I could POP!
-Nausea off and on throughout the day

Going in for Beta#2 tomorrow am!!  Hoping for a nice strong number!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Beta #1!!!

I have continued to take HPT's up until today's beta and they have all been positive!  I have been doing one in the am and one in the pm....getting darker and so on.  Therefore,  I knew today's beta was going to be positive but had no idea what number we would get.....we were hoping for anything over 100 (well I was anyway). ;-) .  I was shocked to get the call from the nurse reporting our beta came in at a CRAZY HIGH 599!!  I was shocked....599, what...really??!!  Wow!  Last positive that ended in c/p was 9.9 so this was a HUGE shock to me and DH. Progesterone came in at 40...which is RE wants it at least at 25 on beta#1 so I'm good there too!  Plan is to continue the 2cc's of PIO, Estrace, Baby ASA, and prenatals and go back in on Thursday (20th) for beta#2 and repeat Progesterone!  If everything is good we will probably be scheduled for first US in the next couple of weeks!!  I'm really happy but still trying to be cautious because it is still so early and so many things could happen.  Trying to continue to remain positive and hope and pray for the best and that in 9 months I will finally be holding a baby...or two in my arms!!!  Wow...crazy!!  So here is a pic of my POAS  No more, I promise...well posted anyway!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

POAS 7dp5dt

Today I am 7dp5dt, and feeling great!  I caved and decided to POAS this afternoon around 4pm.  I figured it is possible that it is still too early to show and so if it were negative not to lose hope.  I used one of my 20 or so Wondfo's that I bought in bulk a few months back and have been dying to use! LOL. Ok, so the results are.......



That's's POSITIVE!!  Blow it up if you need to but that second line is THERE!! Words can not express how happy I felt seeing those two lines today....this was the first time ever seeing that.  It's so surreal, I still can't believe it!  So I plan on re-testing every am until my beta which is Monday (16th)am.  I've already told DH...there is no possible way I could keep it from him.  It is killing me to not be able to say anything to my Mom....just don't want to jinx it all by announcing too soon.  There is still such a long road ahead of us,....making it to and having strong betas, seeing a strong heartbeat on US, and making it through the 1st Trimester.  Just going to take every day as it comes and enjoy no longer being PUPO and officially being PREGGO for now!!
Symptoms I'm still having which still may be due to the PIO includes:
-Sore Boobs
-Slight twingy/cramping
-Restless Nights
-Increased Urination
-Increased Hunger
-Slight Shortness of Breath at times

Just the usual!!
So say a prayer or two for us, as I will continue to talk to my little one(s) and encourage them to keep growing!!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Low Progesterone

Today I am 5dp5dt, and no I have not tested!  I did go in today for my Progesterone level check which came out a little low.  My RE likes to have the level at 20 or above on beta day (next Monday) and mine today was 14.3.  So, I'm the lucky girl that gets to increase her PIO from 1cc to 2cc's.  Yay! :-/.  Anyway, this happened to me after my first transfer which ended in a BFN, and did not on my last one which ended in a c/p.  I've been reading as much as I can online about it and nothing I've found suggests this will lower my chances of a BFP. Keeping positive!
As far as my symptoms goes....sore boobs, increased appetite, increased body temp, fatigue, AF like cramping/pulling.  I know all of these symptoms kinda go hand in hand with PIO and pregnancy and just about everyone gets them during this point in the game but it sure is frustrating.
I do however think this time feels a bit different than the rest.....or maybe I'm looking for it to be?.

Hope this is it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm PUPO!!!

Yesterday, June 5, 2013 at 12pm we transferred 2 expanded, hatching Blasts!!! This is our first time using AH and we are hoping this technique helps out. We also had a more experienced RE with the group to perform the transfer. The transfer itself was pretty is each time for me. Apparently my cervix is just a little tricky so it takes them a bit to get in the right spot. They also use a much bigger speculum....yuck!  Before my RE inserted the embryos he injected a small amount of HCG  into the uterus that s said to help with implantation. Unfortunately between the HCG and the embryos there is a 7min wait. So...there I was in the stirrups with this HUGE speculum and full bladder just.....waiting. The 7mins couldn't go fast enough but I made it through!  After laying flat for 30mins after the procedure my DH drove me over to my Acupuncture clinic for a session. They had a room ready for me which was nice.
DH was off yesterday and today so he's been able to help take care of me, the dogs, and step-kids. Thanks babe!!
Still laying low today and will just take it easy over the weekend.  Beta is scheduled for 6/17th (the day after Fathers Day)! Fingers crossed!!!